Wednesday 28 December 2011

Project Bad Mutha Fucka

When I lost my Job 10 months ago I told myself I was going to make myself a bad mutha fucka to make myself strong mentally and physically and do more with my life. I have suffered from depression for years I keep it in check most of the time sometimes a flip and am not a nice person and project anger at people. Which wasn't in my nature before I was 18. Over the last few years I lost my sister who died 2 years ago on Christmas eve she had various disability's doctors said she would have died at 2 years old she didn't she lived till 23 and was the happiest person I have ever known  and no mater how bad life got for her she always had a smile on her face thats powerful to me cause here I am moaning about my life when my own situation isn't that bad. I also have two kids my oldest daughter has down syndrome which took me years to deal with. I kinda feel I got a double kick in the ball sack with my sister and daughter both having special needs. So my life isn't the same or as easy has a lot of people but also isn't has bad has how other unfortunate  people live like in the FUCKING CONGO. I started to use positive thinking more I lost my job but I thought FUCK IT I hated the fucking job anyway was a big reason why I was has depressed in the first place. Working on a dirty building site through all weathers in a dead end job with a bunch of cunts that for men like to talk about one another and back stab each other. Hanging around negative assholes ain't good for the soul.

For the past 10 months I have been training weights doing kettlebells and some mma training lost some grained weight I had put on...I also put in more time with the kids done some odd jobs and sold muscle supplements for money to keep the family going and get the kids there Xmas gifts. But all in all am not happy with my effort and results of being a bad mutha fucker. am just going to write out some things am going to amp up or try out to be the improved super human cos that's all I want to be. Am not a new year resolution person but with the distraction of Xmas out the way 1st of January is a good place to restart what I have been doing. So here's what am working on rite now.

Writing Blogs : I started this blog in august. Am shit at writing and spelling but am trying. I write about goofy things sometimes in a jokey manner or I'll do something on a subject I enjoy or I am looking into. I also am planning on doing Guinea pig blogs which I learned from author TIM FERRIES this is where I'll data crunch on experiments on my self over a number of weeks like maybe a new kettlebell/mma  workout how my how a diet is going, life changes trying new things like rock climbing or trying yoga and blogging and data crunching about it will help keep me focused on the task at hand. Plus I still want to write about goofy shit as well.

4 Hour Body : this is a book by Tim Ferries I have still to work though it all. Its about becoming the superhuman. This book is my bible right now  covers a whole range of data on the human body.Also been running it with from cool friends from twitter doing the same thing so we're helping each other with tips and giving support to one an other which is kinda cool.  Its not a book you read from start to finish in fact you only have to read the sections that apply to you such as Rapid weight loss, Muscle building, mental health, improved sleeping, Running endurance, insane strength and being better at FUCKING THE SHIT out your partner in the bedroom. All of which are tested and guinea pigged by Tim himself he cut the fat off a lot of workouts meaning less is really more workout wise. The only part I tried so far was the weight loss in two weeks I lost around 10lbs in a diet where you eat 6 times a day and one day a week you have a cheat day where you eat junk all day and you still lose weight. The science is all the book here's Tim's website for details and so am going to guinea pig some of this stuff myself.

Fight Training : Am a crazy combat sport fan mainly MMA which I have trained in for over 4 years apart from a Russian fist fight which I broke my hand in I haven't fought in MMA or even a grappling comp. The reason or excuse is working and family life then trying to get in fight shape as proved hard for me even now I have no job I still been having trouble working out as much as I can. Part of this is sometimes laziness like I have a new DVD boxset or video game so I GO FUCK IT AM NOT TRAINING!! is not the right approach. So the move is a have set various workout plans to work around family life like I have my eye on 3 mma gyms to bounce around on different days of the week. I enjoy Russian Combat Sambo with coach Vadim which I when to for a few months so plan on getting back to that and compete in sambo later in the year. Also Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and wrestling I had my grappling skills coming along fine at one point and slipped away it a bit.... game plan there 3 gyms with high level BJJ coaches in Wishaw, Coatbridge and Glasgow here in Scotland which I have friends in each gym to go to. Also done a few weeks with the UK commonwealth wrestling team going back there could be a big help for me. If I don't have money or am watching the kids my back up plan is to train at home or close to home. I have already been training at my Uncles garage with a little gym set up with weights and punch bags which costs me nothing or I train in my garden with my pair of 16kg Kettlebells. Striking is my main love combat wise with years of Thai boxing and boxing I still feel I have a lot of improvements here so work on this again is needed also various boxing and Thai boxing gyms to check out in my area. So I got myself a new bad boy gym bag, focus mitts I already have Fairtex Thai pads and a Gi but I would like a better Gi. Goals here to compete in grappling and sambo comps and if I get fight fit a fight in mma or Thai boxing will be on the cards but the 4 hour body diet runs hand in hand with this to get my body fat % down.

Trying New Things : Theres a shit load of stuff I want to get round to something am starting right away is Yoga. The main reason is it helps with stress gives you a better peace of mind I want to know if the ZEN state is real am telling you those ancient Asian dudes were on to something. I have been getting a lot of on off headaches and lower back pain and a lot of flexibly I had is gone. Am hoping this balances me out a bit more and is the YING to weight lifting or smashing Thai pads YANG. I ordered Rodney Yee's Power Yoga heard he's one of the best. THERES HIS WEBPAGE IF YOU WANT TO CHECK THAT OUT. Also for the same reasons I going to try out the Isolation Tank soon And down the line some outdoor extreme sports I would like to check out maybe rock climbing or snowboarding

Nutrition: with my training you need to feed your body the right stuff the 4 hour body has taught me more about Nutrition which before I ate like shit and then trained at times I would get pretty fit but I would look the same body wise because my nutrition wasn't good. So along with my 4 hour body diet I'll try different supplements and record the results like protein from muscle phram am also for the first time trying out some mental Nutrition along with trying Yoga am trying out Alpha Brian should be here soon from this you get  lucid dreams, mental drive, focus, memory, and mental acuity. to name some of the benefits. And 5HTP which I have heard good things about. So I'll data crunch about all these things and hope for good results from the mma ,weights, yoga and Nutrition and be as honest as I can with the results I get.

Enjoying Life : this is the main thing sometimes family life is stressful and can distract you from your personal goals. But without taking away time trying to be a good dad. This year  I would like to go to Holland and Train at one of the world famous kickboxing camps for maybe a week or two, also my game plan is to check out more stand up comedy which am becoming a massive fan of this year I saw and met Steve O,Tom Green and Bill Burr. This I already have a ticket for the crusher Doug Stanhope and hope to get tickets for Joe Rogan, Jim Jefferies, Bill Burr again and The Machine Bert Kreischer. I have always watched live music the last while not so much last one was the Arctic Monkeys. Next Year the Black Keys to start the year and T in the Park I hope with the return of The Stones Roses one of my favourite bands ever. I also like to smoke the good stuff now and will be getting into that more aswell. Attend a UFC event again would be cool.

My main Focus is not to sit around to much and watch TV and play video games am looking into different career paths as well like short college courses to learn new things. Was thinking Photography or cinematography or something along the lines of sports and nutrition and kettlebell courses. Sitting around is fun too but I maybe do to much so Project Bad Mutha Fucka is the name of my plan. What is a Bad Mutha Fucka well I don't know its just a silly name. But My goal is to be as much of a superhuman as I can be to be cool to people and encourage positive thinking because we're only here for a short time. No point worrying about past fuck ups shine a positive light on things don't worry about martial bull shit spend your time and money on experiences weather its something you already love or new shit better than having nothing but a bunch of shiny shit to show for your life. Really this blog is just for me to kick myself in the right path, So enjoy 2012 It could be the last one if the Mayans where right. as always @shogunskilling on twitter if your a savage and want to shoot the shit



  1. You're a great writer. Your punctuation needs work, but you have great communication skills. Punctuation can be learned, whereas the flow of writing that comes naturally to you is much more difficult to pick up from a book. I think you're doing great! :-)

  2. thanks les means a lot a wasn't great at school am aware my punctuation sucks i'll keep plugging away any help or links from you or a book to buy would be sweet cheers buddy

  3. POWERFUL WORDS MAN.....words from your soul.i like your honesty,passion and aggresion.takes a degree of bravery to reveal inner thoughts.your dark passenger is walking into the light.
