Tuesday 2 August 2011


WHATS UP PEOPLE? My name is DEREK SKILLING am from a old mining town in scotland called SHOTTS kind of a shithole!! But am used to it now i have lived here all my life am 26 and starting (trying) to write a blog I wasn't great at school and its my way to try learn myself to write better. I train MMA/SAMBO/THAI etc and i think you should have a ying and yang in life training and working being THE YING like physical stuff so i have been looking for THE YANG SIDE mental stuff!!!!! so am trying this to vent stress and be a little more creative by doing this. Am a painter by trade (houses) but i was pretty badass at drawing when i was younger so looking to try that again also and listening to the joe rogan podcast helps chill me out also.

Why all the STRESS you ask? Well quick recap of my life so far Grew up in a steady working class family with one sister who was wheelchair bound and handycapped growing up with that was pretty tough but and mum and dad done a good job raising me (i think?) 13 to 17 i was a hard partier and pretty easy going guy till my girlfriend that our first baby sophie and she was born with DOWN SYNDROME cue super depression and fighting with the girlfriend. I have always had a hard time dealing with this but got better with it over the years think about it your 18 your head is full of little cars crashing into each other you don't care for much next you have all this crazy responsibility in your life. But Sophie is hard to bring up its a challenge for sure am a lot mentally stronger for it and shes a great kid too shes 8 now. Back to the story second kid born two years later emily shes 5 now so having the two kids and fighting with your girl all the time oh and working on a building site ain't easy on the mind AM BITCHIN TOO MUCH I KNOW so i train mma now do some thai boxing and training russian combat sambo and love it helps keep the stress levels down keeps my MANSHIT levels up...so now am trying to as well as be a good dad do shit with my life and don't let myself get down in the dumps I think you get one shot at life and its best to fit in as much shit and get good at as much skills as you can.

So am going to blog about some of the stuff i get up too in my quest for the YING/YANG I was talking about Its my first blog a little back story sorry the feel sorry for me bit am just trying to say a have been at a low point in life but changed and started being more positive the way i look at things now and it helps. Anyway hope someone out there enjoyed it



  1. Good blog but you ruined it with -

    "stay HIV positive".

    That brought the MANSHIT level down a notch.

  2. cheers andy how do u follow other blogs mate

  3. Go to your dashboard and there is a tab about half way down called -

    "Blogs I'm following".

    Just below that there is an add button. Click on it and then you will be asked for a blog address.

    A blog address should look like -


    Replace the "manshit" part with the person who you want to follow's user name and you will sign up to their blog.

    For example -


    You can't search them individually so you need to pick the user names up on twitter or facebook to add them.

  4. Keep writing man, best of luck to you.

  5. Very nice confirmation that #Deathsquad family is on the same wavelength!
